Thank you for your booking!
Your chat with Dr Bek has been confirmed! During the call Dr Bek will go through your organisation’s Employee Assistance requirements with you.
Thank you for booking a 15 minute chat with me to talk about your staff’s employee assistance requirements.
This is a confidential meeting designed to answer any questions you might have about how EA services work and what your organisation is looking for in EA services.
With more than 30 years experience in psychology and offering a flexible approach including online and in-person sessions, we can talk about how my services assist in improving wellness, productivity and loyalty among staff.
You receive a confirmation email reminder 24 hours prior and then I will telephone or meet you online (whichever preference you have indicated) for our scheduled meeting.
Feel welcome to email me direct at with any specific questions you would like to cover in our meeting.
I look forward to talking soon,
Dr Bek