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Single Session Interventions

by | Jan 13, 2023 | General


One of the most common questions I get asked is “how long will it take”? The answer, of course, is “it depends”.

Factors such as how much distress you are in, your level of commitment to do the work necessary to effect meaningful change, and the resources you have available to support you during the therapeutic process are all relevant issues in determining outcomes gained from mentoring, coaching and counselling. Many of these issues are covered in our FAQ section which offers more information on how to get the most out of accessing professional support.

But my clinical experience, backed by a solid body of scientific evidence, also has found that for some people just having one single session can offer a significant step forward in getting unstuck from their current issue.

That’s why I offer Single-Session Interventions.

This is an 80 minute consultation where we work together to clarify your concerns, identify some of the core issues, and develop a plan for your next steps in addressing the problem. The work is solution-focused and draws on existing strengths you have which can be bolstered to help you achieve a better outcome in your current situation.

The insight and self-awareness you can develop in a single session may be sufficient to get you back on track without you feeling like you need further sessions for now. You can always choose to return for additional work some time in the future.

Single-Session Interventions work well for addressing time-sensitive issues, for example managing a challenge before a major life transition or dealing with a problem requiring an quick response.

There is a substantial body of scientific evidence supporting the utility and effectiveness of Single-Sessions compared to multi-session approaches. In my experience, both are useful –

  • Single-Session helps you develop insight and new perspectives, which can open new avenues for solutions;
  • Multi-sessions help you to identify the source of a recurring pattern which is holding you back, develop useful ways of better managing the issues, and help you to stay on track as you make important longer term changes to support your growth.

So, if you are short on time, have a pressing need, or are simply curious to learn more about yourself and how your mind works, book in for a Single-Session. I look forward to working with you.

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