Listed here are some of the available online resources specific to your profession.
Doctors’ Health Advisory Service New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory: 02 9437 6552
Doctors’ Health Advisory Service Western Australia: 08 9321 3098
Doctors’ Health South Australia (also covers Northern Territory): 08 8366 0250
Doctors’ Health Queensland: 07 3833 4352
Victorian Doctors’ Health Program (also covers Tasmania): 03 9280 8712 (Victoria) 1800 991 997 (Tasmania)
AMA Victoria – Recovery from Stress and Burnout as a Doctor—resources/stethoscope/recovery-from-stress-and-burnout-as-a-doctor
Nurse & Midwife Support
Unidex Healthcare – 6 Tips for Healthcare Workers Recovering from Burnout
Veterinary Science
Independent Vets of Australia: Burnout in Veterinary Staff – Prevention and Recovery
VetX Internatonal – How to Bounce Back from Burnout in Veterinary Medicine
The Australian Veterinary Association – resources and support for veterinarians including 24-hour counselling service, graduate mentoring program, and Mental Health First Aid training. AVA website
The Mind Matters Initiative (MMI)
Coping with stress and burnout as a veterinarian by Dr Nadine Hamilton – offers an overview of several evidence-based positive coping strategies. There is also a modualised program which addresses suggestions for enhanced time and stress management, communication and assertiveness, goal setting and relaxation strategies, and techniques from evidence-based work in the areas of positive psychology and acceptance and commitment therapy. This is a potentially useful resource if this is your early attempt to commit to a more holistic approach to better wellbeing and coping.
Health and Caring Professionals
Black Dog Institute Resources for Health Professionals
HeadsUp – For Health Services: Promoting the mental health of health services staff
Australian Government Department of Mental Health – Mental Health for the Health Workforce
Beyond Blue has developed a free six-week program, NewAccess for Small Business, that offers support by trained mental health coaches who have a background in small business. Click here to register.
The man who mistook his job for his life by Naomi Shragai – includes contemporary references; some do’s and dont’s eg dealing with narcissists at work, insights into how our maladaptive behaviours at work are often hang-over defensive reactions to our past – we interpret the now through the filter of then.
Tiny Habits by BJ Fogg – change your environment and take baby steps.
Rebekah Doley BA(Hons) GradDipPsyPrac MSc(Inv Psy) MJur(Law) MPsy(Clin)/ PhD
Clinical & Forensic Psychologist
Registered Psychologist (AHPRA) | Chartered Psychologist (BPS) | Mediator