How much does it cost to see a psychologist?
As with any specialist service, fees vary among psychologists, so be sure to check with the provider of your choice regarding their fees before you start therapy.
I provide sessions online and in-person at my rooms in Bundall, located on the Gold Coast, Queensland.
Fees (AU$)
Fees are payable on the day at the time of consultation.
Individual appointment: $305.00 per 50 minute session; $355.00 for a standard 80 minute consultation. These rates are less than the nationally recommended psychology fees.
Weekend Appointment: Saturday appointments may be available on request. A $60.00 non-refundable loading fee is required to confirm the booking.
Initial Consultation: Initial bookings attract a deposit fee of $50.00 which is deducted from your final consultation fee. Deposits are not payable on subsequent consultations. Deposit fees on initial consultations are refundable with more than 47 working hours notice of cancellation, providing the Terms and Conditions are met (below). Deposits are NOT required for subsequent appointments with the same client. Open Arms clients are not required to pay a deposit.
Credit card transactions made at the time of consultation attract a $6.50 transaction fee.
Concessional Rates
Many psychologists offer concessional rates which take into account low-income pressures. In my practice, I offer a reduced sessional rate for Full-time Tertiary Students with a Health Care Card Concession Card or by agreement. Presentation of an appropriate form of documentation is required for discount fees.
Individual Appointment: $255.00 per 50 minute session; $305.00 for a standard 80 minute consultation (the nationally recommended psychology fees are $315.00 and $455.00, respectively).
Concessions do not apply to deposit or loading fees.
If you qualify for a Medicare rebate, from 1/7/24 you can claim $141.85 for each eligible psychological service with me (as a Clinical Psychologist). Contact your GP or psychiatrist to find out whether you may be eligible.
Note that we don’t process claims for rebates. On receipt of payment, you will be provided with the necessary documentation to support your rebate claim which you make direct to Medicare or your health insurance provider. You will need to ensure your referral is valid.
Bulk billing
Some psychologists will bulk-bill patients – this means that clients who are eligible for a Medicare rebate on psychology services will be charged only the Medicare rebatable amount.
I don’t offer bulk-billed sessions.
DVA Cards
I do not provide services under DVA Health Cards.
Cancellation Fees
We understand that sometimes plans change, which is why we send an emailed reminder 3 days before your session and a sms reminder 48 hours before your appointment.
Cancellation fees are currently set as follows:
– 0–24 hours notice: Full fee
– 25-47 hours notice: 50% of fee
– More than 47 hours notice: No fee
Working hours are defined as occurring between 8am-5pm AEST, Monday to Friday.
Deposit fees on initial consultations are refundable with more than 47 working hours notice of cancellation. We will need your bank details or Personal PayID for a refund to be made. A $10.00 administration fee will be deducted. Deposits are non-refundable for cancellations with less than 48 working hours notice.
Outstanding fees must be paid in full in order to book any future appointments.
How do psychologists set their fees?
Psychologists are required to have a minimum training of six years combined study and supervised practice. Many choose to undertake additional work to qualify in specific psychology fields and across different therapeutic and assessment skills. To maintain currency in their skills and knowledge, Registered Psychologists are required to complete no less than 30 hours of documented professional training and supervision annually.
I have completed academic qualifications equivalent to 14 years full-time tertiary study and have over 3 decades of professional research and practice in the areas of organisational, military, forensic and clinical psychology, as well as in law.
My early career as Australia’s eminent psychologist focused on assessing and treating deliberate (malicious) firesetting, leading to professional recognition domestically and internationally. For over a decade, I taught higher degree students training to be psychologists, and I was a uniformed serving member of the Australian Defence Force for 20 years. I am also a qualified mediator and have worked in the area of family dispute resolution. My training and experience are recognised by accreditation as a Clinical and Forensic Psychologist in Australia and a Chartered Psychologist in the United Kingdom.
In the past, government health rebates helped clients through Medicare rebates and advocates for better access to psychological services continue to lobby government for better support for clients wanting to engage with mental health professionals.
I have chosen to devote some of my professional time to providing subsidised services through low or no-cost avenues such as Open Arms, and to apply concessional rates where appropriate. These are just some of the ways my business seeks to fulfil our commitment to sound environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles.