1300 103 913 hello@drbek.com.au

Grounded in the science behind the Gottman Method Couples Therapy, intensive couples therapy is a dynamic alternative to traditional weekly sessions. It’s a condensed and focused approach to relationship counselling that will provide you with the time you need to address specific issues and get your relationship back on track.

I provide Intensive Couples Therapy in a block of 6.5 hours per day for 1–2 days. This format gives couples time to:


explore issues in depth


understand how certain events have impacted their current situation


address past hurts


work through tricky conversations, and


develop and practice new skills.

It is a private, child-free, safe space, free of daily responsibilities for you to focus clearly and specifically on repairing and enhancing your “couple bubble”.

Intensive couples work is helpful for people who struggle to commit to regular weekly/fortnightly therapy sessions, who live out of the therapist’s location, or who are in crisis.

I use a semi-structured process to help you to manage these in ways designed to support your therapy goals. My work is informed by Gottman’s Therapy along with other evidence-based approaches including Emotion Focused Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy.

The process involves talk-therapy and experiential exercises (practical tasks to help you develop new skills). The intensive work includes some individual session time as an opportunity to decompress where needed and to further explore your personal reactions. Short breaks (10 minutes) are provided every 80 minutes and on request.

Intensive therapy is not designed to solve all the issues, but it can be an effective fast track into identifying, unpacking and moving forward on core areas or problems that are keeping you grid-locked. I recommend that, following intensive couples therapy, you continue with regular sessions of couples therapy with a therapist of your choosing to help you consolidate and extend the learnings.