Therapy is a process of coaching, mentoring and counselling. It is based on dialogue between you and your therapist, and involves a collaborative approach to helping you develop healthier and more effective habits.
Therapists don’t offer advice. It is different from talking to a close friend or family member because it is conducted in a supportive environment where you can speak frankly to someone who is non-judgemental, neutral, and unconditionally constructive. Having an objective perspective of issues you have been grappling with can open new avenues for change.
You and your psychologist will work together to solve the problem that brought you in, and in the process you will likely develop new skills to better cope with whatever challenges arise in the future.
Therapy can help with burnout because while your work context may have triggered your current response, the seeds of responsibility overload are often found in habitual behaviour patterns.
Therapy helps you recognise when your strengths are being overused and becoming vulnerabilities. Dealing with emotional problems using rational problem-solving techniques very often fails to provide the relief you need.
By developing insight and self-awareness, as well as practical and targeted strategies to better handle times of heightened or difficult emotions, your ability to regain equilibrium and a sense of calm is improved.
The relationship between you and your psychologist can have a big impact on the outcomes of your therapy. It is therefore important to spend some time understanding what it is you need and expect from your relationship with your psychologist before you engage in services.
So what’s next?
Talk with your therapist in your first session or two, to ensure you have a mutual appreciation for what you want out of the professional service. Let the therapist know about any queries or concerns you have about the process as you progress.
Waiting until you are in crisis to establish a therapeutic connection can make the process of engaging in talk-therapy more daunting. People working in highly sensitive, responsible, controlled, or high-pressure environments may find it beneficial to check in regularly with their provider of choice. It can take time to find the right fit for you in working with a therapist.
A positive therapy experience will provide you with a space in which you can feel supported while helping you to achieve your goals and keep you feeling at your best.